Esigenze di Sicurezza Pubblica

L’ Art.75 comma 1 del decreto-legge 17 marzo 2020 n. 18, convertito con modificazioni dalla Legge 24 aprile 2020 n. 27, prevede che

In tema di “Acquisti per lo sviluppo di sistemi informativi per la diffusione del lavoro agile e di servizi in rete per l’accesso di cittadini e imprese” …. “le amministrazioni aggiudicatrici … sono autorizzate, sino al 31 dicembre 2020, ad acquistare beni  e  servizi informatici, preferibilmente basati sul modello cloud SaaS (software as a service) e, soltanto laddove ricorrono esigenze di sicurezza pubblica ai sensi dell’articolo 4, paragrafo 1, del regolamento  (UE) 2018/1807 del Parlamento europeo e del  Consiglio, del 14 novembre 2018, con sistemi di conservazione, processamento e gestione dei dati necessariamente localizzati sul territorio nazionale”.

Il decreto “Mille proroghe” (Art. 1, co. 11, D.L. 31 dicembre 2020, n. 183) ha posticipato la scadenza dell’autorizzazione all’acquisto di beni e servizi informatici al 31 dicembre 2021.
Al momento (2019), SecFull Meeting risulta essere l’unico prodotto in configurazione SaaS che soddisfi il requisito posto dalla Legge nel conservare, processare e gestire in dati in Italia. Tale requisito, grazie alla collaborazione con AWS, può essere rispettato in qualunque altro Stato dove è presente un suo data center.


Zoom can access the content of meetings

The Federal Trade Commission announced on November 9 (link) an agreement with Zoom Video Communications, Inc. that will require the company to implement a robust information security program to resolve allegations that the video conferencing provider has implemented a series of deceptive and unfair practices that have undermined the security of its users.

Zoom has accepted the obligation to establish and implement a comprehensive security program (link) a ban on privacy and misrepresentation regarding security, and other detailed and specific measures to protect its user base, which has skyrocketed since 10 million in December 2019 to 300 million in April 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In its complaint (link), the FTC said that, since at least 2016, Zoom has misled users by claiming to offer “end-to-end 256-bit encryption” to protect user communications, when in fact it provided a lower security level. End-to-end encryption is a method of securing communications so that only the sender and recipient (and no other person, not even the platform provider) can read the content.

In fact, the FTC argues, Zoom has kept cryptographic keys that could allow Zoom to access the content of its clients’ meetings and has secured its Zoom Meetings, in part, with an encryption level lower than promised. Zoom’s misleading claims have given users a false sense of security, according to the FTC’s complaint, particularly for those who have used the company’s platform to discuss sensitive topics such as health and financial information. In numerous blog posts, Zoom specifically advertised its level of encryption as the reason clients and prospects use Zoom’s video conferencing services.

Location of data in Microsoft Teams

On its website, Microsoft has published where your data resides when you use Teams, specifying that they reside in the geographical area associated with the user’s Office 365 or Microsoft 365 organization.
When you use Teams for free, so you don’t belong to any organization, you can configure where to store your data, choosing from the available geographical areas.
We have extended the analysis to all Microsoft services for an Italian user. Teams currently supports the following regions: Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Japan, Norway, South Africa, South Korea, Switzerland (which includes Liechtenstein), United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Americas, APAC regions and EMEA. Microsoft does not disclose the exact addresses of its data centers, however it does list the locations of cities. For country- or region-specific data centers, the following are the cities where inactive customer data is stored.
Country / Region specific data center location cities
Country Region
Australia Sydney, Melbourne
Brasile Rio, Campinas
Canada Québec, Toronto
Unione Europea Austria (Vienna), Finlandia (Helsinki), Francia (Parigi, Marsiglia), Irlanda (Dublino), Paesi Bassi (Amsterdam)
Francia Parigi, Marsiglia
Germania Francoforte, Berlino
India Chennai, Mumbai, Pune
Giappone Osaka, Tokyo, Saitama
Corea del Sud Busan, Seoul
Norvegia Oslo, Stavanger
Sudafrica Città del Capo, Johannesburg
Svizzera Ginevra, Zurigo
Emirati Arabi Uniti Dubai, Abu Dhabi
Regno Unito Durham, Londra, Cardiff
Stati Uniti Boydton, Cheyenne, Chicago, Des Moines, Quincy, San Antonio, Santa Clara, San Jose


ITALY: where the data per service reside

Expanding the analysis to all Microsoft services for an Italian user, the following table shows where the data resides:

Service Region
Exchange Online Austria (Vienna), Finlandia (Helsinki), Francia (Parigi, Marsiglia), Irlanda (Dublino), Paesi Bassi (Amsterdam)
OneDrive for Business Austria (Vienna), Finlandia (Helsinki), Francia (Parigi, Marsiglia), Irlanda (Dublino), Paesi Bassi (Amsterdam)
SharePoint Online Austria (Vienna), Finlandia (Helsinki), Francia (Parigi, Marsiglia), Irlanda (Dublino), Paesi Bassi (Amsterdam)
Skype for Business Austria (Vienna), Finlandia (Helsinki), Francia (Parigi, Marsiglia), Irlanda (Dublino), Paesi Bassi (Amsterdam)
Microsoft Teams Austria (Vienna), Finlandia (Helsinki), Francia (Parigi, Marsiglia), Irlanda (Dublino), Paesi Bassi (Amsterdam)
Office Online & Mobile Austria (Vienna), Finlandia (Helsinki), Francia (Parigi, Marsiglia), Irlanda (Dublino), Paesi Bassi (Amsterdam)
EOP Austria (Vienna), Finlandia (Helsinki), Francia (Parigi, Marsiglia), Irlanda (Dublino), Paesi Bassi (Amsterdam)
Intune Austria (Vienna), Finlandia (Helsinki), Francia (Parigi, Marsiglia), Irlanda (Dublino), Paesi Bassi (Amsterdam)
MyAnalytics Austria (Vienna), Finlandia (Helsinki), Francia (Parigi, Marsiglia), Irlanda (Dublino), Paesi Bassi (Amsterdam)
Planner Austria (Vienna), Finlandia (Helsinki), Francia (Parigi, Marsiglia), Irlanda (Dublino), Paesi Bassi (Amsterdam)
Sway Stati Uniti
Yammer Austria (Vienna), Finlandia (Helsinki), Francia (Parigi, Marsiglia), Irlanda (Dublino), Paesi Bassi (Amsterdam)
Servizi di OneNote Austria (Vienna), Finlandia (Helsinki), Francia (Parigi, Marsiglia), Irlanda (Dublino), Paesi Bassi (Amsterdam)
Stream Austria (Vienna), Finlandia (Helsinki), Francia (Parigi, Marsiglia), Irlanda (Dublino), Paesi Bassi (Amsterdam)
Whiteboard Austria (Vienna), Finlandia (Helsinki), Francia (Parigi, Marsiglia), Irlanda (Dublino), Paesi Bassi (Amsterdam)
Forms Austria (Vienna), Finlandia (Helsinki), Francia (Parigi, Marsiglia), Irlanda (Dublino), Paesi Bassi (Amsterdam)
Workplace Analytics Stati Uniti


Rif.: (IT, EN, Tech Community)


SecFull® features

We believe that no one should own the data of others, for this reason everyone must return to re-appropriate their data to manage them according to their needs. We are close to the needs of companies, governments and law enforcement.

We are spending sleepless nights thinking up, testing and producing. SecFull born out of passion that is always the basis of the best products.

SecFull is a new series of ICT product compliance-oriented. For us, compliance is based on 4 features: Privacy, Security, Integrity, Trasparecy.

Privacy is the right of individuals to have control over how their personal information is collected and used. Many consider data privacy to be the most significant consumer protection issue today. One factor which contributes to this is growing technological sophistication, and the resulting types of data collected.

Security refers to the process of protecting data from unauthorized access and data corruption throughout its lifecycle. Data security includes data encryption, hashing, tokenization, and key management practices that protect data across all applications and platforms.

Integrity refers to the accuracy, consistency, and validity of data over its lifecycle. Compromised data, after all, is of little use to enterprises, not to mention the dangers presented by sensitive data loss. For this reason, maintaining data integrity is a core focus of many enterprise security solutions.

Transparency is basically defined as openness and accountability in all areas of business. Many IT organizations are also taking a closer look at transparency and accountability. By being transparent, IT can streamline processes, be more productive and improve customer service and support.

Compliance, what’s it?

We are inside Information Technology. For some IT professionals, the line between compliance and ssecurity becomes easily blurred and may seem like a moving target.

1. Compliance

While compliance is similar to security in that it drives a business to practice due diligence in the protection of its digital assets, the motive behind compliance is different: It is centered around the requirements of a third party, such as a government, security framework, or client’s contractual terms.

Compliance is often viewed as the figurative stick which motivates the donkey, rather than the carrot. If an organization wants to do business in a country with strict privacy laws, or in a heavily-regulated market like healthcare or finance, or with a client that has high confidentiality standards, they must play by the rules and bring their security up to the required level. For example, regulations like HIPAA and SOX, or standards like PCI-DSS or ISO:27001, outline very specific security criteria that a business must meet to be deemed compliant. A high-profile client may require the business to implement very strict security controls, even beyond what might be considered reasonably necessary, in order to award their contract. These objectives are critical to success because a lack of compliance will result in a loss of customer trust, if not make it outright illegal to conduct business in the market.

In short, IT Compliance is the process of meeting a third party’s requirements for digital security with the aim of enabling business operations in a particular market or with a particular customer.

2. Security

Security is the practice of exercising due diligence and due care to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of critical business assets.

Security officers follow industry best practices to ward off attackers who would seek to harm the business, or to mitigate the amount of damage that is done when an attack is successful. In the past, administrators would take a purely technical approach and rely heavily on systems and tools to protect their network: devices like firewalls and content filters, along with concepts like network segmentation and restricted access, were the security professional’s bread and butter.

While these safeguards are still necessary today, modern threat agents employ much more sophisticated strategies which easily overcome old-school technical controls. Threats like social engineering, remote code execution, and vendor-created backdoors require the security professional to be much more diligent and proactive in their approach.

The concept of “Security” come down to employing certain measures to have the best possible protection for an organization’s assets.

3. Compliance vs Security

To restate from above, security is the practice of implementing effective technical controls to protect digital assets, and compliance is the application of that practice to meet a third party’s regulatory or contractual requirements. Here is a brief rundown of the key differences between these two concepts:


  • Is practiced to satisfy external requirements and facilitate business operations
  • Is driven by business needs rather than technical needs
  • Is “done” when the third party is satisfied


  • Is practiced for its own sake, not to satisfy a third party’s needs
  • Is driven by the need to protect against constant threats to an organization’s assets
  • Is never truly finished and should be continuously maintained and improved

4. Summary

Compliance and Security and  go hand in hand, and complement each other in areas where one may fall short. Compliance establishes a comprehensive baseline for an organization’s security posture, and diligent security practices build on that baseline to ensure that the business is covered from every angle. With an equal focus on both of these concepts, a business will be empowered to not only meet the standards for its market, but also demonstrate that it goes above and beyond in its commitment to digital security.


SecFull features

ICT products

1. ICT

It is an acronym that stands for Information Communications Technology.

However, apart from explaining an acronym, there’s no universally accepted defininition of ICT. Why? Because the concepts, methods and applications involved in ICT are constantly evolving on an almost daily basis and it’s difficult to keep up.

A good way to think about ICT is to consider all uses of digital technology that exist to help individuals, businesses and organisations use information. ICT covers any product that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit or receive information electronically in a digital form. For example, personal computers, digital television, email, robots.

So ICT is concerned with the storage, retrieval, manipulation, transmission or receipt of digital data. Importantly, it is also concerned with the way these different uses can work with each other.

2. ICT products

In business, ICT is often categorised into two broad types of product:

  • Traditional computer-based technologies (things you can typically do on a personal computer or using computers at home or at work)
  • Digital communication technologies (which allow people and organisations to communicate and share information digitally)

3. Convergence

ICTs are also used to refer to the convergence of media technology such as audio-visual and telephone networks with computer networks, by means of a unified system of cabling (including signal distribution and management) or link system. However, there is no universally accepted definition of ICTs considering that the concepts, methods and tools involved in ICTs are steadily evolving on an almost daily basis.

4. European Commission

The development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is vital for Europe’s competitiveness in today’s increasingly digital global economy. Over €20 billion from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is available for ICT investments during the 2014-2020 funding period. These investments are vital for the success of the Commission’s objective of making Europe fit for the digital age.

Improving access, use and quality of ICTs is one of the 11 thematic objectives for Cohesion Policy in 2014-2020. The ERDF will prioritise:

  • Extending broadband deployment and the roll-out of high-speed networks
  • Developing ICT products and services and e-commerce
  • Strengthening ICT applications for e-government, e-learning, e-inclusion, e-culture and e-health

ICT measures may also receive support under other thematic objectives, and they are also included in many smart specialisation strategies. Moving from a classic ICT sector approach to a comprehensive local/regional/national “digital agenda” within the Smart Specialisation Strategy is enabling regions to identify the priorities for ICT investment which are pertinent for their territory.

European Structural and Investment Funds are not only to be seen as financial support, but also as a policy tool to support the public authorities in defining their strategy and planing their administrative and investment effort. In order to make sure that EU investments achieve maximum impact, Member States and regions that wish to use funding for ICT-related projects are required to put in place a strategic policy framework for digital growth and a next generation network plan.

European Structural and Investment Funds can also be used strategically to encourage the transposition of Digital Single Market (DSM) legislative initiatives, the development of administrative capacity for effective application of this legislation and the leverage of national public and private funding to enhance and speed-up the positive impact of the DSM in all EU regions.

Increased ICT Investments in 2014-2020 will build on the achievements during the 2007-2013 funding period:

  • Over 5 million additional people connected to broadband
  • More than 20,700 ICT projects received ERDF support